
Foto: Kurt Fuchs/ ZIWIS/ FAU
Dr. Michael Jungert studied Philosophy, History and Biology at the University of Bamberg and FAU. He graduated with a Master of Arts at the University of Bamberg in 2006 and a doctoral degree in philosophy at the University of Tübingen, in 2012. From 2006 to 2009 he was a research associate and lecturer at the Chair of Philosophy I of the University of Bamberg and a doctoral fellow in the Bioethics Research Training Group of the German Research Foundation at the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW), University of Tübingen from 2007 to 2010. Between 2009 and 2010, he was a visiting fellow at the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University. From 2012 to 2015 he was a scientific officer at the German Academic Scholarship Foundation in Bonn and a lecturer at the Chair of History of Science at LMU Munich from 2014 to 2015. In October 2015 he became Director of the Center for Applied Ethics and Science Communication at FAU (since 4/1/2017 the Center for Applied Philosophy of Science and Key Qualifications, ZiWiS; since 1/1/2023 ZIWIS). His main research interests are philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, psychology, applied ethics and metaethics.
Further information on his research and publications:
Publications (selection)
Jungert, M. (2017): “Neurophilosophy or Philosophy of Neuroscience? What Neuroscience and Philosophy can and can’t do for each other”, in: Hildt, E., Leefmann, J. (Publ.): The Human Sciences after the Decade of the Brain. Perspectives on the Neuro-Turn in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (Elsevier).
Jungert, M. (2015): “Memory, Personal Identity, and Memory Modification”, in: Ranisch, R., Rockoff, M., Schuol, S. (Publ.): Selbstgestaltung des Menschen durch Biotechnologien. Tübingen: Francke, P. 129-140.
Jungert, M. (2014): “Das erinnerte Selbst – Personale Identität, Persönlichkeit und autobiographisches Gedächtnis”, in: Friedrich, O., Zichy, M. (Publ.): Persönlichkeit. Neurowissenschaftliche und neurophilosophische Fragestellungen. Münster: Mentis, P. 189-206.
Jungert, M. (2013): “Mental Realities – The Concept of Mental Disorder and the Mind-Body Problem”, in: Frontiers in Psychology 4:80 (doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00809 ) .
Jungert, M. (2013): Personen und ihre Vergangenheit. Gedächtnis, Erinnerung und personale Identität (Quellen und Studien zur Philosophie, Vol. 117). Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter.
Schleidgen S., Jungert M., Bauer R. & Sandow V. (Publ.) (2011): Human Nature and Self Design. Paderborn: Mentis.
Jungert M. (2010/²2013): “Was zwischen wem und warum eigentlich? Grundsätzliche Fragen der Interdisziplinarität”, in: Jungert M., Romfeld E., Sukopp T. & Voigt U. (Publ.): Interdisziplinarität. Theorie, Praxis, Probleme. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, P. 1-12.
Jungert M., Romfeld E., Sukopp T. & Voigt U. (Publ.) (2010/²2013): Interdisziplinarität. Theorie, Praxis, Probleme. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (reviews by Dieter Birnbacher in Ethik in der Medizin 02/2011, P. 169-170, by Kai Vogeley in Spektrum der Wissenschaft 04/2011, P. 104 and by Anneke Meyer in Philosophisches Jahrbuch 01/2012, P.184-186).
Schleidgen S., Jungert M. & Bauer R. (2010): “Mission: Impossible? On Empirical-Normative Collaboration in Ethical Reasoning”, in: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (1), P. 59-73.